Gable Price and Friends
Gable Price and Friends is a 4-piece alternative rock and roll band, with a whole lot of damage to do and a whole lot of cities to play. Currently residing in Northern California; 3 Midwest boys and a Californian—Gable Price, Cameron Pablo, Daniel Vargas, and Adam Elizararraz—continue to gain ground, turn heads and provide a euphoric live and recorded experience. From recording their demos in a garage, and Gables 1977 Camper van: “The Dreamboat,” to recently signing with Capitol CMG, the boys have no intention of slowing down anytime soon.
Gable Price and Friends are known for sentimental, provocative lyrics regarding the human condition, screaming guitars and bass, with driving drums that make you wanna get a speeding ticket. This group of 20-somethings is eager for the public to hear their new record and excited to share the songs with a group of sweaty people in a venue somewhere, sometime. Keep your head straight, hopes up, heart right; and remember to be a good friend.
Friday, August 11th
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
SLUG Mag Stage